Monday, January 19, 2009

A Blog: What Is It All About?

First time create a blog I don’t really understand what is it all about. I even don’t know how it works and what the advantage using this thing. I have been searching the information of what is a blog is all about. It will be useful for all beginners.. hehehhe
A blog is just like a simple website, with a theme and the content is presented in a temporal order. Owning a blog means you can write about anything you want, as long as it's related to your blog topic and continuously add and maintain the content as you desire. The latest content posted is always displayed above all the other posts. Blogging can be compared to maintaining an online diary in a public environment, sharing various day to day happenings, events and incidents. Blogs are known to bring in loads of search engine traffic, because they are places for the worldwide community to learn about things and share their ideas on various interests. Blogging is heavily used by internet marketers and helps to attract similar-minded people from around the world to one location.
The best part is, one person can own as many blogs as they like! Hahaha, so there are no restrictions to how much you can blog. Blogging requires some time and effort, especially if you intend to gain popularity on the Internet. Dynamic content is what makes a blog interesting and taking a few minutes to update your blog daily will give you a good edge over any competitive bloggers. Here are a few tips to make your blog interesting and attract more visitors every day.
  • Keep it interesting: Research and find something popular and interesting to write about and make sure you know about whatever you choose.
  • Speak, don't write: Use a conversational tone to get your ideas across. Don't be boring and monotonous and don't use words which require a dictionary to find the meaning.
  • Determine your blogging frequency: Whether you will blog every day or just once a week, decide about it before your start your blog and stick to that schedule. Daily blogging is recommended. ~sElAmAt bErBlOg gUyZ!~


  1. Yup it takes time to blog, and effort too. Not only that, you need some basic coding knowledge so that you can customize the layout, design, and gadgets in your blogs. Happy blogging!

  2. i hve some issue about blog where how can we advertise our blog to ensure our blog are attractive n grab more attention to other users?is it possible we can define it from any source?
