Thursday, April 2, 2009

MIS website presentation (9th April)

Please take note my dear friends. These are the order of presentations Thursday this week (9th April).

1. *still open and available*
2. Marzuk
3. Azzah
4. Alia
5. Yan
6. Marha
7. Marni
8. Faiz
9. Rina
10. Wawa
11. Zila
12. Yusuf
13. *still open and available*
14. Firdaus
15. Idham

Turns 1 and 13 are still open and available. Reply in this post ASAP for those interested as reservations are on first-come-first-served basis. *huhu mcm bukak restoran plk*


  1. maya, i have to postpone my website presentation because i hv to go back to my kampung. take note ok... faizal

  2. maya, i have to postpone my website presentation because i hv to go back to my kampung. take note ok... faizal
